Just another mom navigating the no man's land of my 30s. Trying to juggle early motherhood, a career, marriage, and still carve out a little time for myself.

Gaining Perspective & Memorial Day

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I know, I know. I have been MIA for more than a month. I’m sure you all have gone through those phases where everything seems like a challenge and by the end of the day, all you can manage is to crawl into bed as quickly as possible. This last month has been one of those phases for me. Work has been non-stop, spring and summer events have been in full swing, we can’t seem to keep a healthy household for more than about two days (including the dog), and occasionally I’ve managed to get a workout in.

The last couple of days, it seemed like maybe we were finally turning the corner with illness, now that the toddler has kicked her ear and sinus infection, but surprise, there seems to still be some illness lingering when we woke up this morning. I’m not going to lie, I was initially disappointed that we wouldn’t make it to the gym for the hero WOD Murph today, even though I was going to do a highly adapted version with two children in tow (one in the carrier for the weighted element and one in a stroller). But as I thought about it, I realized I needed to really remember what today is about and what that hero WOD is about. The illness and busyness of our home recently is nothing compared to the sacrifice our armed services members give, in particular those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. We are just in our always sick phase over here and it will pass. There are far more important and serious things out there.

So, Happy Memorial Day to all. I hope you enjoyed your day and remembered the reason for the day. In the end, not doing Murph today may have been a blessing in disguise so we can make sure we are ready for our first Spartan Race this weekend. Plus, I think I’ll try to get Murph done in the next couple of weeks anyways and may make it through more if it without the kiddos tagging along.